Tuesday 6 August 2013

School visits - July 2013

Camera Roll-0 by Flinty the nomadCentral Infants School, Port Talbot 

- Sharon (LTPP 2013 Mentor) visited her niece's school on her return to Port Talbot to share her experiences. The 100 strong Infants school were very enthused by the singing shown to them by the children in Lesotho. All performed a rendition of Mi welais Jac y do together!!

Allensbank Primary School, Cardiff

Sharon also visited her Basotho Schools "link" school in Cardiff to introduce them to their penpals and teachers at Hermitage Primary School. They also took part in an art workshop as part of Sharon's community art project based on the migration of the Swallow. Each pupil in Class 4 were introduced to simple art materials that their Basotho friends used when they took part in the project in May 2013. For more details visit:


Ysgol Gynradd Cynwyd ac Ysgol Y Parc
gan Anna Rhys

Treuliais fore a phrynhawn llwyddiannus tu hwnt gyda disgyblion Ysgol Cynwyd ac Ysgol y Parc, a lwyddodd i greu darluniau hyfryd i gynrychioli’r berthynas rhwng Cymru a Lesotho. Roedd y plant yn frwdfrydig i wybod am addysg a bywyd yn Lesotho, ac roedden nhw wrth eu boddau yn dysgu ymdeithgan sy’n cael ei chanu gan ddisgyblion yn y gwasanaeth boreol yn yr ysgol yn Lesotho. Gan ddefnyddio’r wennol fel symbol o’r berthynas rhwng y ddwy wlad, cafwyd negeseuon hyfryd a lluniau bendigedig gan y plant.

Braf oedd gweld diddordeb mawr gan rai o’r athrawon i barhau i ddysgu mwy am y wlad ac i godi arian. Roedd Ysgol Cynwyd eisoes wedi astudio Lesotho ac maent yn barod erbyn hyn i ddechrau cyswllt gydag ysgol yn Lesotho. Gobeithio i’r ddolen ddod yn fyw ac y bydd hi’n lledaenu’r neges hyd y fro!

I spent a successful morning and afternoon at Cynwyd primary school and Parc primary school near Bala. The pupils were eager to ask questions and learn about the way of life in Lesotho, food, transport, weather and much more. Cynwyd had a bit of a head start as they had already studied Lesotho for a term, which was wonderful for them to get a realistic insight to what they had already learned. Both schools were given the opportunity to create wonderful images of swallows with messages for children in Lesotho to read. Their sensitivity and thoughtfulness was inspiring, and it was great to see that they were really thinking about what they had heard, and realising how we take some many things for granted here.

Darllenwch fy mlog: annarhys@blogspot.co.uk 

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